Today, Humans of ESRF pays homage to the ESRF staff. From the ones who tighten the screws to the ones who fine-tune the machine, to those who organise the accounts to the ones who design new instruments, to the organisers, mathematicians, accountants, plumbers, surveyors, writers, theoreticians, designers, electricians, the magnets or vacuum specialists, the finance people, those in human resources, in the stores, workshops, administrative buildings …. to all these individuals so diverse in nature, origins and skills and to their dedication to doing their part, day in, day out, to make the ESRF what it is today, a unique world-class facility for the advancement of science and also a close-knit community, a family.
We want to thank the ESRF staff for their contribution to the success of the ESRF and for their example of what we can achieve when we all work together for the common cause of science and progress.
Over the last 12 months, Humans of ESRF has portrayed people from all walks of life and from all over the world who work together at the ESRF: users, scientists, engineers, technicians and administrative staff. Through their stories, we have shown how our cultural diversity, curiosity, culture of excellence and innovation are the driving forces behind the success of the ESRF.
As the ESRF concludes its 30th anniversary year and prepares another great journey into the future with the installation of EBS, the Extremely Brilliant Source and the world’s first high-energy fourth generation synchrotron source, it can be proud of all the men and women who have participated in this great adventure and whose talents have propelled the ESRF to the forefront of synchrotron science and technology breakthroughs.
Thank YOU.