Peng Li

Post-doc in conventional and Bragg Ptychography

The Extremely Brilliant Source will be perfect for my research. I am developing ptychographic coherent diffraction imaging techniques with an emphasis on Bragg Ptychography, which allows you to measure quantitatively the 3D crystalline properties of an extended crystal with nanometre scale resolution, on ID13. The coherent flux gain brought by a 4th generation source like ESRF-EBS will open a lot of new opportunities for ptychography. My goal is to implement this technique on the beamline, so that it can benefit the research of the user groups.

I started studying Ptychography during my PhD in the University of Sheffield, after doing my undergraduate and masters’ in China. Then I moved to Institut Fresnel, in Marseille, to work on Bragg Ptychography specifically, and I had the opportunity to do experiments on ID01 and ID13. Although many practical problems remain to be solved, I see huge potentials in this technique with the new source and that motivates me to keep developing it further. It is a challenging task, but this is the most advanced X-ray source, with a huge flux and state of the art detectors, so I am in the best place I could be. 

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